Commercial Real Estate Investing News

Dream Bigger! Succeed Faster!

Want to Become a Billionaire?

Check out the Forbes Newcomer Billionaire List for 2015. Number 1 is MEDIA and ENTERTAINMENT. After that, the clear unequivocal 2nd is REAL ESTATE. And it is not residential; it is commercial. Period. Not just in the United States, but around the whole world. Many billionaires from the United States to China, from England to Canada come from commercial real estate. These are the facts, anybody that tells you they create wealth from one-off deals is probably stretching the truth. And when you're doing 2, 3, 4, and 5 buy, fix, and flip deals and trading your time for another job, you’re probably working a lot harder than you need to be. Aren’t you trying to get out of your J-O-B to have real time and financial freedom?

If you want massive passive income to acquire resources that will make you wealthy over the long-term; commercial real estate is, always was, and always will be the primary source to make people wealthy. As a matter of...

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